How far is Dolphin Discovery Grand Cayman from George Town?

How much will I have to pay for a taxi ride from George Town to Dolphin Discovery Grand Cayman?

Is there any other transport with a lower rate to get to Dolphin Discovery Grand Cayman?

What do I have to do if I want to go to Grand Cayman Turtle Farm?

Do you have showers to use after my swim with the Dolphins program in Grand Cayman?

Where may I leave my belongings while at Dolphin Discovery Grand Cayman?

Can a friend/relative go with me to watch my dolphin program in Grand Cayman?

Do Grand Cayman facilities have wheelchair access?

What else can I do in Grand Cayman location besides swimming with Dolphins?

Is there a beach near the Grand Cayman Dolphinarium?

What happens if there is bad weather in Grand Cayman?

What is your children's policy?

What activities are carried out in each program?

How many people are in the water at the same time?

How early should I arrive?

Can I feed the dolphins?

Do you offer therapy programs with dolphins?

Do you have transportation service?

Will I have to wear a life jacket?

I am a person with disabilities, can I participate in the programs?

Can I use my own camera or mobile when I swim with dolphins?

Can pregnant women participate?

Is there refund for cancellation?

What if there is inclement weather?

How can I view and print my confirmation?

How can I purchase my individual photo package by booking on the website?

How can I buy my individual photo package if I didn't buy it when I booked my swim with Dolphins on the website?

What if I have already done my experience with Dolphins and I am in the habitat but I want to buy my package of individual photos?

How long after swimming with Dolphins can I buy my individual photo package?

What requirements do I need to be able to purchase my individual photo package?

How can I download my photos when I buy my package at the location?

In case of having doubts or not being able to download my individual photos, is there a way to assist me?

If I bought my individual photo package, how can I download my photos?

How long after I swim with Dolphins can I download my photos?

What if I want a photo as a couple or group and we pay for the individual photo package, does it have an extra cost?

Can the price of the individual photo package vary?

Are pets allowed?

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